Playing with geometric shapes Finnish designer Roosa Väyliö creates new modern classics. With her background in applied arts she has specialized in glass design. In her works she uses old design traditions in new concepts and adds her unique personal touch to it.

Väyliö has crafted since little and by doing that she has learned a lot about numerous materials such as metal, textile, wood and glass. Väyliö gets her inspirations from the character of the material. She finds it really important to know how different materials behave and how to use those properties as well as possible.

The shapes in Väyliö’s design comes from a man-made environment such as architecture.  Shape and style of the object are things which make the object interesting and also desirable. Her style is simple and minimalistic, but she always want to add a bit of humor in hers design. Väyliö finds it important not to take herself too seriously. That way she keeps the freedom of creativity!


Viivakko Design by Roosa Vaylio


Fiskars Group

Marketing Coordinator Trainee, 2019-2020

Salesperson at Iittala Store, 2018-2019

Minna Parikka

Sales Assistant, 2018

Gallery Mafka & Alakoski

Gallery Assistant, 2017-2018


Sales Assistant, summer job 2016


Hullut Päivät Seasonal worker, 2016-2017

Nuoret Designerit Ry

Vice President, 2016
Event Manager, 2015 & 2016


"Hello" solo exhibition

Gallery Mafka & Alakoski, 2017

Hello exhibition is greeting everyone who are interested in modern Finnish glass design. Exhibition presents Roosa Väyliö’s works, which includes lighting, tableware and jewellery. Some of the pieces what you see in the exhibition were made in cooperation with glassblowers Marja Hepo-aho and Kari Alakoski.

Hello exhibition is Väyliö’s first own exhibition and it is in central Helsinki. Gallery Mafka&Alakoski is a platform where glass designers can present their work. Gallery is specialized in glass art and design.

"Wood and clay" young designers exhibition

Väre main lobby, 2019

"Gotta Serve Somebody" young designers furniture exhibition

Artek Helsinki, 2018

Viivakko Design by Roosa Vaylio


Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Master of Arts in Contemporary Design / Product and Spatial Design, 2020

Minor in Fashion Management, Aalto University School of Business

Master's thesis: Muotoilijan ensiaskeleet itsensä markkinointiin
A designer's first steps in self-marketing

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Bachelor of Arts in Design, 2017

Minor in Marketing, Aalto University School of Business

Bachelor's thesis: Suunnitelmasta tuotteeksi – Yritysyhteistyöprojekti Innoluxin kanssa


I’m interested in 
Finnish design, young designers, marketing, branding, good food and Prosecco.
I love my dog Honey. 
Here is a picture of her. She is the cutest, isn’t she?