2015 Mouth blown shot glass

Finns are well-known for their drinking habits and that inspired Väyliö to design a shot glass. 
There is a tradition to turn the glass upside down when you have finished your shot. By doing so you prove that you drank it all. That tradition in her mind, Väyliö designed the K-glass.
Functionality is one of the key elements in Väyliö’s work. In K-glass there are two glasses joined together, so even if you put the glass upside down, you are always ready for the next round. This design might encourage you and even get you feel empowered, but always remember enjoy responsibly.
As a designer it is truly important to keep your eyes open. The idea for the shape of the K-glass was born when Väyliö saw a geometric mural in one of the buildings near by her home. In this case the the new design was inspired by the everyday surroundings.